This is RIWA-Rijn
Association of
River water companies
The RIWA was established 65 years ago as a joint venture of Dutch water companies that use surface water for the preparation of drinking water. Since 2002, three independent sections have been distinguished within the RIWA for Rijn, Maas and Schelde, united in a dome. Each section represents the drinking water interests in its catchment area: quality development, research, reporting, information and actions.
The RIWA umbrella represents the general interests of the river water companies. RIWA-Rijn and RIWA-Maas conduct joint consultations with, for example, Vewin (Association of Water Companies in the Netherlands) and governments at home and abroad.
Water quality has clearly improved in large parts of the country in recent years, but insufficient to meet all the objectives of the European Water Framework Directive (WFD) and to achieve our ambitions. So more action is needed.
The RIWA-Rijn section cooperates with the German, Swiss and French colleagues in the IAWR, the Internationale Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Wasserwerke im Rheineinzugsgebiet. This umbrella organization, founded in 1970 by RIWA, ARW (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Rhein-Wasserwerke) and AWBR (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Wasserwerke Bodensee-Rhein), covers the entire Rhine catchment area.

Flawless drinking water by natural water treatment. To achieve this goal, we reach out to (political) influencers.

The strategy used to achieve the objective has 3 key elements or focal points.