
Study on consequences of intake closure in case of prolonged drought

March 24th, 2024

Deltares conducted research into the relationship between Rhine and Meuse discharge on the one hand and the occurrence of water intake problems for drinking water companies on the other. Many factors determine whether an intake closure is necessary. This makes a direct relationship between low river discharge and the number or length of intake closures … Continue reading “Study on consequences of intake closure in case of prolonged drought”

Lithium in Rhine water demands attention

March 24th, 2024

As there was not yet a scientifically substantiated target value for lithium in Rhine water, Rijkswaterstaat asked RIVM for an indicative value. A recent report tested the actual lithium values and showed that the indicative values were exceeded. Partly with a view to a possible increase of lithium values in the Rhine water, Rijkswaterstaat advises … Continue reading “Lithium in Rhine water demands attention”

Dutch water companies call for cooperation with new cabinet

March 20th, 2024

On 18 March, all water boards and water companies presented the ‘Water in Action’ action programme. In it, they call on the new cabinet to work together to protect (drinking) water resources and ensure enough space for water. While clean drinking water and dry feet are taken for granted by many Dutch people, these ‘certainties’ … Continue reading “Dutch water companies call for cooperation with new cabinet”